- Be aware of the huge influence of friends. The Prophet (sa) compared a good friend to a perfume seller with whom you’ll either smell good or get fragrance; and compared a bad friend to a blacksmith with whom you’ll either singe your clothes or breathe in the fumes.
- Assess your current companions. Who influences you the most in your life? Are they helping you get closer or further away from Allah (swt)? Limit the time you spend with people whose Deen is not as strong, but do your best to still be a good influence on them.
- Attend religious gatherings. Go to the Masjid, Islamic events, and religious circles. Not only will you find yourself surrounded by good company, but you’ll also benefit from the Islamic reminders at these places.
- Make Dua to Allah (swt). Ask Allah (swt) to bless you with righteous companions who’ll remind you of Him. Also, ask Allah (swt) to make you and your friends love each other, for His sake.
- Be careful whom you seek advice from. Whenever you’re in difficulty, it’s natural to turn to others for advice; however, make sure you ask those whom you trust and will give you a positive and sound piece of advice- discouraging negativity and backbiting.
- Find a mentor. Find someone whose Deen and character you admire, and ask them if they’d be willing to mentor you. Set up a regular call or meeting with them so that you can benefit from their coaching and encouragement.
- Spend time with people of high standards. Find people who have higher standards than you. You will automatically start to copy the people you spend the most time with, so stick to companions who will help you grow.
May Allah (swt) give me and you the Tawfeeq to implement these tips. Ameen.
Transcribed for hiba by Saneya Qadir