- A child sitting next to you in your class
- A girl who rides the same bus that you take to college
- A person who shares the same interests that you have sends you a friend request on Facebook
Are these your friends?
Oops! I forgot the ones who agree to everything that you do and cheer you for it. Are these your friends? As someone said and I quote “Friends are your mirrors”.
Based on experience, I am going to share some characteristics of a true friend with all the teenagers and preteens. If you see glimpses of the following traits in any person, you can take that person as your friend.
Communicates wisely
Communication does not mean that your friend should be good at talking. Rather it means that the person whom you consider your friend should be an awesome listener. We all enjoy talking to our friends, but a friend usually needs a good listener. Friends allow each other to speak their heart out; to achieve this, a listener’s gesture, body language and facial expressions strengthens the relationship. A listener must avoid interruptions and distractions rather, should give undivided attention to the speaker.
Always respectful
We all make errors and do blunders, but a true friend would be one who would respect and accept you with all your mistakes and shortcomings. A friend might not agree with everything that you do but still would always respect you for who you are. A friend would neither make fun of you nor would discuss your shortcomings with anybody else.
Never misleads
At times, we get distracted in life and grab opportunities of immediate pleasure during our weak moments. These moments are short-lived but push us into the dungeons of shame and regrets. A friend would not leave you to move on towards the land of false dreams; rather, they would use all their strength and means to stop you. They would never let you justify your acts. And will stop you no matter what it takes.
The world is already quite challenging for you all, I understand and therefore, I wish to keep the list short but worthwhile.
Can you relate why your Facebook friends, followers on Instagram and other social media acquaintances cannot be counted among your friends?
Social media is creating a new dictionary for all of you. Beware! This dictionary might leave you all alone, without any true friend in the real world. Their likes, tweets, and smiles are not something to be proud of. They can never tell you, “Hold on! This picture should not be public as you are not dressed appropriately.” Nor would they be around when you need a suggestion or advice, of course until you make a ‘post’ of it. Be careful! One wrong judgement can lead you to a myriad of confusion.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay