Hijab leads to an Abaya! A 19-nineteen year old was surprised to see herself, and soon, the whole college was talking about her. Fatima was scared to face her friends.
Peer pressure is not a recent phenomenon; it is as old as history itself. All the prophets and their descendants faced all kinds of peer pressure. Hence, if you are facing such a thing in your life, you should be bold enough to carry it rightly and be on your straight path.
One should adopt the following rules to handle peer pressure.
1. Keep your vision upright and feed your faith
People love to talk aimlessly, and especially, when it comes to religion, they have their own golden rules and principles of understanding. Usually, they interpret rules which benefit them. Regarding Hijab, they’ll say it’s not necessary to cover your body and that one should be modest at heart.
Hijab- Gone by the wind
People totally alter the concept of basic modesty in Islam. Thus, keep feeding your faith by:
- Working on your relationship with Allah (swt).
- Plug-in yourself with Quran and Sunnah.
2. Uplift your identity
The major cause of peer pressure is that we do not have a secure Muslim identity, which results in lack of knowledge about the rules in Deen. Therefore, learn about Seerah and lives of our predecessors for better acknowledgement of Deen.
3. Take lessons from those who are steadfast on Deen
Be in the company of those who practice Deen with great zeal and enthusiasm. As it is said: “The best of you are those who repent.”
So, try to be with those who can help you in moral uplifting.
4. Friends with ever-lasting benefits
Friends are the real asset. Try to be friends with those who can help you become a better Muslim.
If your friends make you feel out dated with respect to your vision about Deen, and give you grief for your beliefs- so that is their problem. All you have to do is:
• to bail out
• avoid their gatherings
5. Seek Allah’s (swt) help
You cannot attain anything in this life against Allah’s (swt) Will; hence, keep asking for His help and mercy, so that you can find your way easily.
- Make Dua for complete Hidayah
- Get down in prostration and pray for Istaqamah
6. No complains
You cannot get Jannah easily. Hurdles are always there; all you need is to act firm on your beliefs and work to gain Allah’s (swt) love. Therefore, be positive and build up your nerves to stay courageous in all circumstances.
7. Ignore criticism and mockery
Follow the Sunnah of forgiveness, and you will be straight on your path; ignore insulting actions of ignorant people and make Dua for them.
8. Keep yourself cool
To keeping oneself cool is one of the most difficult tasks- especially, when the other half of the world is busy in making you lose control. But being a good Muslim, it’s our duty to stay calm. Allah (swt) and Prophet Muhammad (sa) love those who remain quiet at hard times.
Try to be positive and optimistic in every aspect of life; and never lose your focus just because of what others will think of you.There will be no one who will save you from the fire of Hell, except Allah (swt).