Title: The Historic Judgement on Interest – Delivered in the Supreme Court in Pakistan
Author: Justice Maulana Muhammad Taqi Usmani
Publisher: Maktaba Maariful Quran
No. of pages: 247
Available at: Darul-Ishaat, Karachi
For anyone involved in dealing with the financial sector (that pretty much covers everybody!) knowledge of the status of Riba/Sood/interest in Islamic is critical. Unfortunately, this is an area of which even scholars are unaware as it requires a good foundation in economics/financial theory.
The best book to read to understand this is called “The Historic Judgement on Interest – Delivered in the Supreme Court in Pakistan” by Justice (retd) Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. What makes this book especially unique is that you often find books which put forward Islam’s view on Riba but this publication actually addresses all the ‘responses’ people give to justify the interest we see today as not being Riba. Plus, the book has been written in very easy to understand language and so would not be difficult to comprehend.
The book is published by Maktaba Maariful Quran in Karachi, and is fairly easily available in the market at a very economical price. I use this book as required reading for my Islamic Banking and Finance class at a local business school in Karachi and have felt it provides invaluable knowledge to the students. This was both my assessment as
well as the feedback from the students. – By Azeem Pirani
Audio Lecture: Maximizing Rizq
Delivered by: Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed
Available from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13245794/General%20Talks/MP3/01-08-11%20-%20Maximizing%20Rizq%20-%20EKK.mp3
This is an inspiring talk in English on the subject of maximizing Rizq and how one needs to improve one’s quality of relationship with Allah (swt) and His creation on a quest to increase one’s provisions. It is a ninety-minute talk, which will broaden your horizons on the subject and enable you to perceive the subject of ‘Rizq’ in a whole new light, Insha’Allah. – Umm Ibrahim