The self-created idea based on false notions, misinterpreted facts and figures, faulty perception of the reality of life and human existence has led to a tragedy called racism. Spiritually, devil is at play, when he instigates man to believe in his superiority at the cost of subjugating, torturing or finally annihilating others on the way.
Allah’s (swt) creation is created with deliberate differences and in abundant variety. A racist denies Allah’s (swt) brand plan to respect and celebrate differences.
Historically, racism has been a powerful hate tool. Economies driven by politics have gained control and resources. It has been seeded via religion to imagine one to be the choicest of God. It has also emerged as a social ill – people belonging to a certain group recognize their own kind and reject others on the basis of their skin colour, language, culture, and so on.
Racism has existed worldwide in every era of humankind. It varies from mild to extreme. Superpowers, such as the USA, have up until today their centuries old scores to settle between the black and the white races internally. Their international politics is yet another ball game they play externally.
Eventually, we must understand that we all will return to Allah (swt) the Al-Baseer (All Seer) and Al-Aziz (The Mightiest). Every Muslim must also deeply fathom the humble beginning of humankind stated with absolute clarity in the Quran by Allah (swt):
“Has there (not) come upon man a period of time when he was not a thing (even) mentioned? Indeed, We created man from a sperm-drop mixture that We may try him and We made him hearing and seeing. Indeed We guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful.” (Al-Insan 76:1-3)
Allah (swt) created everything in six days. Adam’s (as) structure was created in the last hours of the sixth day, after the heavens and the earth were all placed. He stayed in that form for forty years. He was next created with three different types of soil and each stage took forty years. Hence, the total time was one hundred and sixty years just to create Adam’s (as) body. Finally, Allah (swt) breathed the soul into Adam (as) and honoured him.
We have also been honoured in the same manner – at 120 days after conception, Allah (swt) sends His angel to breathe soul into the foetus.
In Surah Al-Insan, Allah (swt) reminds man of his humble creation. If Allah (swt) did not plan our creation, we would have been non-existent. No name, no identity, no mention, no purpose, nothing. It is our Creator’s favour upon us that He brought us into existence and granted us purpose of life – to worship Him and to enjoin good and abstain from evil. Now we will never die. Every man will be transited from one stage to the other such as from Alam-e-Arwa (where all souls are housed by Allah [swt]) to this mortal world. Next, from this transitory world to the grave (Al Barzakh). Further, to the Day of Judgement. And, finally, off to our final eternal abode – Hell or Heaven based on our obedience to Allah (swt) as His humble slaves.