What is constipation?
Constipation is a problem of the digestive system, which is troubled when food is not easily digesting and bowel movements are delayed. Constipation is not an illness, but it is the root of many diseases.
Causes of constipation
There are several factors that contribute to constipation: stress, spicy food, irregular meal times, insufficient water intake, unhygienic food, lack of exercise and low fiber diet.
Natural remedies
- The easiest available natural remedy is water. Drink eight glasses of water daily.
- Drink two glasses of warm water daily in the morning on an empty stomach.
- Pears, grapes, guava, and papayas have the properties to fight constipation. Therefore, include these fruits in your daily diet.
- Ginger tea is effective in alleviating constipation. Make tea by steeping five slices of ginger in hot water.
- Try a grandmother’s remedy for constipation: mix one tablespoon Ispaghol in one glass of lukewarm water and drink in the morning.
- Have a glass of water with lemon juice and pinch of salt to help reduce the discomfort of digestive system.
- Soak 5-6 figs in water overnight. Eat the figs and drink the water in the morning.
- Take a glass of warm milk along with dates every night before bed. Chew a date then take some sips of the milk.
- Green tea is also a natural remedy for constipation.
Prevention is better than cure
- Stick to a healthy diet.
- Stay away from junk food, cakes, and caffeine.
- Load your meal with fruit, green vegetables, whole grain, beans, and other fiber rich food to beat constipation.
- Chew your food properly.
- Adopt a healthy and well balanced life style.
- Engage in regular physical activities, especially walking and jogging.