Umm Zahra – freelance writer
“Allah o Akbar” means Allah (swt) is the greatest. How great do you think Allah (swt) is? Well answer the following questions:
- Who do you think of first when you wake up?
- Who do you think of last before falling asleep?
- Who do you seek help from first, when you have lost something?
- Who comes to your mind first when you are sad?
- Who do you ask for comfort first in distressful times?
- Who do you ask first for financial assistance?
If the answer to the above questions was ‘Allah’ (swt), rejoice for He is truly the greatest in your life. If the answer to some questions was ‘yourself’ it denotes ‘Kibr’ or arrogance and self-worship. If the answer to some of the questions was ‘others’ it denotes ‘Shirk’ which is ascribing partners to Allah (swt). Both are crimes against Allah (swt). Hence, this thought and behaviour needs to be rectified.
The first thought a Momin should have is of Allah (swt) regardless of his circumstances, good or bad. That is the spirit of Tauheed. Allah (swt) is in the unseen realm but absolutely present 24/7 by his side through a divine connection. He talks to Allah (swt), makes Dua, prays Salah, and he looks for signs of Allah’s (swt) response.
It is beyond the powers of human intellect to comprehend Allah’s (swt) real greatness. But when we do believe that Allah (swt) is the greatest, it turns us into the best of Allah’s (swt) creation which is worthy of the perfect Jannah! Life in Dunya also becomes easier. How?
- Our mind reaches its potential
More than 70,000 thoughts cross a human mind daily. The content we give to this mind to process through our senses determines our thoughts and actions. Once our world view becomes Allah (swt)-centred, wasteful thoughts are eliminated. Contemplation on our environment and Allah’s (swt) signs in it make our life purposeful.
- We place ourselves in the right position
“Allah o Akbar” enables us to understand our own status as the creation. We do not consider ourselves as the most important beings anymore. We realize that we are slaves of Allah (swt). Our Master is not only the greatest but also most perfect in His decree, knowledge, power and authority. His decisions regarding us and the world, are perfect. We are saved from self-pity and arrogance of the Nafs.
- We take a powerful refuge
If Allah (swt) is the Creator of vast galaxies; how tiny am I in His world? If Allah (swt) has created the magnificent mountains pegged to the earth, why would He not take care of my little needs? If Allah (swt) is the Master of the deep and enormous oceans, why should I ask anyone else for help and protection? Allah (swt) is indeed the greatest and deserves to be relied upon. From the unseen atom to the humongous universe, all are His creation. They worship and obey Him constantly and consistently. Why shouldn’t i?
- We develop conviction in our Duas
“Allah o Akbar” is a realization that gives life to the dead heart and our mindless chant transforms into a soul stirring experience. It is no longer just an exercise of the tongue. Instead our Dua becomes a live conversation. We know that only Allah (swt) is the greatest, Who can answer our pleas.
- We learn to obey unconditionally
When we mindfully accept Allah’s (swt) greatness, we also follow His orders and respect His commands. We submit totally without doubt or fear. This is truly a liberating experience that matches none other. No other person controls us and no other ideology is worth following.
- All other false gods are eliminated
Today, five ‘gods’ that are most commonly being worshipped globally are: Science, Technology, Capital, Desires and Intellect. For a believer, none of the above are worthy of worship. The resources of the world only benefit or cause a loss by Allah’s (swt) decree. They are not free to act themselves.
It is the innate need of humans to look up to and rely upon some higher, more powerful and intelligent being than themselves. When they don’t find the Creator, they start worshipping the creation.
Our Takbeerat of “Allah o Akbar” fill the space in between the heavens and the earth and all that is in between. Truly only this feeling of Allah’s (swt) greatness can satiate a human soul yearning for a Mighty God.