Rana Rais Khan – Editor-in-Chief Hiba Magazine
.وَلَا تُخۡزِنِي يَوۡمَ يُبۡعَثُونَ. يَوۡمَ لَا يَنفَعُ مَالٞ وَلَا بَنُونَ. إِلَّا مَنۡ أَتَى ٱللَّهَ بِقَلۡبٖ سَلِيمٖ
“And do not disgrace me on the Day they are (all) resurrected – The Day when there will not benefit (anyone) wealth or children. But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart.” (Ash Shaura 26:87-89)
What exactly is Qalbin Saleem?
Qalbin Saleem is a term that is loosely translated as a ‘pure heart.’ We might think that this person with a pure heart is someone who never sins and is perfect. That is far from the truth. All children of Adam will sin but those who are quick to repent to Allah (swt) and plan their reform in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah are among the best ones.
Qalbin Saleem in spite of erring has a firm Iman and is inclined to Amal-e-Suleh just as our father Adam (as) had. It has a strong yearning and love for its Rubb. Faith has a solid and doubtless footing in Qalbin Saleem.
How do you know if you have Qalbin Saleem?
Well, Qalbin Saleem, a believer’s sound heart is protected from the following:
- Shirk – he doesn’t attribute partners to Allah (swt) as he is solely upon Tauheed
- Biddat – he never falls into cultural innovations and practices the Sunnah only
- Hawa – he is not a slave to desires and obediently follows the commands of Allah (swt)
- Ghaflah – he is always mindful and remembers Allah (swt) abundantly
How our predecessors described Qalbin Saleem?
- Tafsir Ibn Katheer
The Qalbin Saleem knows that Allah (swt) is the truth, that the hour is coming without doubt and that Allah (swt) raises the dead from their graves.
- Ibn Abbas
This type of heart testifies there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah (swt).
- Mujahid and Al Hassan Al Basri
They both believe that a believer with Qalbin Saleem is pure from Shirk – associating partners with Allah (swt).
- Sayyid Ibn Al-Musayyib
It is the heart that is sound, the heart of the believer. Because the heart of the disbeliever and the hypocrite are sick as Allah (swt) says: ‘In their hearts is sickness …’ (Al Baqarah 2:10)
- Al Dahak
He mentioned that it’s a heart that is sincere.
Likewise, assess the spiritual condition of your heart. Humans respond to Haqq in the following manners.
What is your response towards Haqq (Islam)?
- One who accepts Haqq whenever and wherever it is presented? Such believers reign economically on different levels in Dunya but will be on top level in the Aakhirah.
- One who ignores Haqq and has a non-serious commitment towards it.
- Someone who rejects Haqq openly.
- Someone who ridicules religion.
- Somebody who prevents others from following Haqq too. This is the worst level of disbelievers.
Allah (swt) states in the Quran: “Those who disbelieved and averted (others) from the way of Allah – We will increase them in punishment over (their) punishment for what corruption they were causing.” (An Nahl 16:88)
What are the categories of the heart?
- Qalb Mukhbit – the healthy heart
In the context of Islamic spirituality, a ‘Qalb Mukhbit’ refers to a heart that is meek, humble and at peace with Allah (swt). It is receptive to divine guidance and filled with tranquility and remembrance of Allah (swt). Worldly trials draw it closer to its Creator seeking His Help and reward.
It may sound as if this is a weak and unsuccessful person. On the contrary, this is the most successful person who places all the worldly rights and relationships in true perspective. His decision-making and coping skills are excellent. He is principle-centred in light of Islam and favoured by Allah (swt) for his deliberate choices to please Him.
Allah (swt) states in the Quran: “… And (O Muhammad) give good tidings to the humble (before their Lord). Who, when Allah is mentioned their hearts are fearful and (to) the patient over what has afflicted them, and the establisher of prayer and those who spend from what We have provided them.” (Al Hajj 22:34-35)
How can we develop Qalb Mukhbit?
- By listening to the Quran attentively, to reflect upon its message and submit with our heart and limbs.
- By fearing the warnings of Allah (swt) for the disobedient and understanding its consequences.
- By accepting and trusting Allah’s (swt) decree in case of loss or failure.
- By worshipping Allah (swt) with Ikhlaas (sincerity) and eliminating the countless mini Gods people have created in the 21st century for a comfortable lifestyle.
- By doing Ihsan (beautiful deeds) with Allah’s (swt) creation as it softens our heart and raises our ranks with Him.
- Qalbul Qaasia – the hard heart
In the context of Islamic spirituality, a ‘Qalbul Qaasia’ refers to a heart that is hard. It is not receptive to divine guidance, neither it takes an impression of it. Beneficial knowledge of Islam does not take root and performance of good deeds doesn’t soften it.
Trials, losses, death, destruction or punishments in the world do not humble Qalbul Qaasia. For e.g. Firaun was warned and tried but he did not submit until it was too late. In opposition to that Omar (rta) also initially had a hard heart but once the hardness was removed, a sound heart emerged that converted him to become the second caliph of Islam.
Some hard hearts transform when Allah (swt) decrees jolting experiences for them. But others cling to their wretchedness. In fact they increase in hardness after listening to the divine scripture because they do not ponder upon it.
Allah (swt) states in the Quran: “So is one whose breast Allah has expanded to (accept) Islam and he is upon (i.e. guided) by a light from his Lord (like one whose heart rejects it)? Then woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. Those are manifest in error.” (Az Zumur 39:22)
- Qalbul Mareed – the diseased heart
In the context of Islamic spirituality, a ‘Qalbul Mareed’ refers to a heart that is weak and uncertain about its ideologies and keeps shifting like liquid. It’s a spiritually diseased heart crooked in its thoughts, inspired by desires and doubts. It is confused, not receptive to guidance and very quickly inspired by Shaitain’s whisperings.
Allah (swt) states in the Quran: “(That is) so He may make what satan throws in (i.e. asserts) a trial for those within whose hearts is disease and those hard of heart. And indeed the wrong doers are in extreme dissension.” (Al Hajj 22:53)
The greatest concern is that Qalbul Qaasia and Qalbul Mareed are both wretched in Allah’s (swt) sight and if they do not repent in time, they will be severely punished.
“Every time they want to get out of it (i.e. hell fire) from anguish, they will be returned to it, and (it will be said), ‘Taste the punishment of the burning fire!’” (Al Hajj 22:22)
How to test the state of our heart?
Tests from Allah (swt) whether abundance of good times or bad times reveal our servitude towards Him. The inner true and real state of the heart reveals itself through our internal chatting, external language and behaviour. Analyze what is your present condition in the mirror of the three categories of hearts mentioned above and take action now!
To begin with, make Dua:
“Allahumma Nasaluka Qalbin Saleem”
O Our Lord! Grant us a sound heart. Ameen
Allah (swt) questions us: “Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has come down of the truth?” (Al Hadid 57:16)