Nature is the biggest teacher of all times. As we know from history, across generations, the greatest contemplator of the Universe was the father of the two nations of Israel and Ismael, Prophet Ibrahim (AS). As mentioned in the Quran, he used to reflect upon the different creation of Allah which helped strengthen his relationship with Allah (ST).
Following the sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), I was sitting beside the lake basking under the golden sun. The winter breeze was caressing me and its sound was revitalizing my soul. Enjoying the present moment, I thoughtlessly picked up a stone beside me and threw it in the water. That sudden commotion brought my attention to the smooth waters that had suddenly been jolted. It started to make circles after circles – something that we call the ripple effect.
The ripple effect can do wonders in this world only if you know how to utilize your energy so that it transforms into concentric ‘circles’ of good deeds across space, time and generations. Interestingly, if you do not utilize your energy productively, that very energy can cause a whirlpool that will suck you and others around you into the same destruction as yourself.
Every individual in this world has an instinctive desire to make a difference in this world. We all want to create ripples. Why do we desire this? How can we do it? All of us have been programmed with a unique purpose and have been gifted with our special talents to do so. Our fingerprints, retina patterns and genome, they all correspond to the sign of our individuality. The question arises: how can you know the purpose of your existence? Will one day our purpose fall like an apple from a tree and just like Newton discovered gravity we will discover our purpose? Newton got a sign, he reflected on it, and thus he found gravity.
The realization that your life has a purpose is a journey half done.
(Tick Tock Goes the Clock from the book Rediscover, Humaira Nasim)
Allah gives you signs and has given you the heart and intellect to reflect upon them and find your unique code. You need to learn the art of recognizing those signs. They keep knocking at your door in the form of many opportunities in your surroundings. Sometimes, they strike you in the form of a divine text (Ayah) or a random encounter with a person. They can even occur while negotiating with a client or playing with your child. Interestingly, even hitting rock bottom can lead you to spiritual awakening!
Having said so, please don’t think that I am telling you to be superstitious. Back in the old days, when spiritual people shared what they took to be signs guiding them to their purpose, people would generalize these experiences and would consider them as good and bad omens in their own personal journey. Even today people fear that something bad will happen if a black cat crosses their way.
Let me share some tips from my book Rediscover on how you can strengthen your ability to decipher the signs from the Unseen.
- Reflect and Contemplate: Strengthen your intuition and look beyond the surface.
- Pray and Meditate: Detox your mind from negative thoughts and focus on the Creator.
- Fast: Detox your body by eating pure and healthy food.
- Retreat: Use the spiritual retreat of Itikaf to detox your soul from worldly distractions.
- Purify: Clean your physical self and surroundings.
- Mute: Distance yourself from the social ‘noise’ that disrupts your peace.
As soon as you begin the journey of spiritual enlightenment, Oh the Circles You’ll Make!
May your energy create ripples that fill this world with love, peace, and compassion.
Photo Credit: Jimmy Chang on Unsplash