by Umm Isam – Content Writer
“Is Allah not sufficient for His servants.” (Az Zumur 39:36))
Al-Kaafee, one of Allah’s (swt) beautiful names, is mentioned in the Quran once.
Who is Al-Kaafee?
He is the One Who, is sufficient for all His creation. He sufficiently provides for His slaves, manages their affairs and sets right their condition. He is sufficient for His righteous servants, for whom He cares, grants assistance, support and victory.
How is Allah Al-Kaafee?
- Allah (swt) is sufficient for all creation (Kifayah e Aammah)
Allah Al-Kaafee fulfills the needs for the Jinn, humans, animals, birds, unseen microorganisms, sun, moon, stars, mountains, oceans, etc. It means that when Allah (swt) created His creation, He also provided for them to function at their optimum level, enabled them to fulfill their mission as His creation, gave them clear guidance and resources. For e.g. the honey bees know how to produce honey. They know which flowers to visit. They don’t need a calendar or a reminder to motivate them to action. They have been equipped and inspired by Allah Al-Kaafee to do their job best.
- Allah (swt) is sufficient for the believers (Kifayah e Khaassah)
All humans are Allah’s (swt) superior creation. However there are some exclusive ones who respond to Allah’s (swt) guidance and obey Him as their Lord. They are the special believers hence they receive special merits and help from Allah Al-Kaafee. Allah Al- Kaafee straightens the believers’ matters and lights up their heart with the Noor of His Maarfat (recognition) and Azmat (majesty). Through the Quran their hearts are granted Ilm-e-Naafay (beneficial knowledge) for their souls. Through Tayyab (pure) and Halal (permissible) food Allah Al-Kaafee grants the believers nourishment of the body.
- We cannot suffice ourselves
Allah (swt) has the keys to unlock all doors. Only He has the power, authority and control to suffice for our needs. We cannot provide for ourselves without Allah Al-Kaafee’s permission. He empowers us to attain resources and means to acquire what we want.
- Allah (swt) suffices with His care
As humans it is our innate need to be loved. Allah Al-Kaafee grants us families, friends, relationships, communities, etc. They cater to our emotional wellbeing as per Allah’s (swt) order. Similarly Allah Al-Kaafee looks after our intellectual need by providing us beneficial Ilm so our minds can think constructively and bodies can act productively.
- Allah Al-Kaafee sufficed the prophets in the past and His Auliyah and Momineen today
History has proven time and again that Allah Al-Kaafee was Sufficient for His prophets as He states in the Quran: “Indeed, We are Sufficient for you against the mockers.” (Al Hijr 15:95)
Allah Al-Kaafee was sufficient for:
- Prophet Muhammad (sa) against the Quraish’s disbelievers in Makkah
- Prophet Muhammad (sa) against the Jews and the Hypocrites in Madinah
- Prophet Nuh (as) from the flood
- Prophet Ibrahim (as) against the fire
- Prophet Musa (as) against the Firaun
- Prophet Isa (as) against the Bani Israel
- Allah (swt) suffices against harm
Allah Al-Kaafee saves His slaves from His harmful creations that they dislike, such as the Shayateen, external enemy, internal Nafs and ailments, etc. Do not fear anyone or anything besides Allah (swt). Allah (swt) states in the Quran: “… and Sufficient was Allah for the believers in battle, and ever is Allah Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (Al Ahzab 33:25)
- Allah’s (swt) blessings are measured hence sufficient
Allah Al-Kaafee granted us two eyes, two ears, one sun, calculated Rizq, measured relationships, etc. It is the same Creator Who counted and decreed the number of grains in the desert, number of leaves in a forest, number of droplets in the ocean, the macro level. Can He be wrong with what He has granted us then?
- Our divine decree is sufficient for us
Prophet Muhammad (sa) the best human and the most beloved prophet of Allah (swt), his life is the greatest example for us. He was an orphan, Allah (swt) bestowed upon him a family. He was poor, Allah Al-Kaafee strengthened him with wealth, power and leadership. The Prophet (sa) was lost and Allah (swt) guided him with the Quran. Our heart should be satisfied with this role model and if it seeks more, we must make Dua to the same Lord.
- Who is Allah (swt) Sufficient for exclusively?
Our predecessors used to write letters to each other motivating everyone to action by promising how Allah (swt) would be Sufficient for them:
- For the one who strives for his Aakhirah, Allah (swt) will ease his Dunya
- For the one who removes his sins and races towards good deeds, Allah (swt) will grant him opportunities
- For the one who purifies his heart, mind and the internal thoughts, Allah (swt) will beautify his appearance and external image
- Whoever will remember Allah (swt) in private and worship him with devotion, Allah (swt) will be present with him in public and improve his dealings with people
- Who will prioritize his divine connection with Allah (swt) through obedience and submission, Allah (swt) will grant him Rizq, Izzah and whatever he needs
- What should be our role after learning about Allah Al-Kaafee?
Trust Allah Al-Kaafee only. This divine name should dispel our fears of the future or anxiety of the present. We must create heart, mind and time space for Allah (swt) in our lives. If our Nafs busies itself with Allah (swt), He becomes sufficient for us. But if our Nafs is occupied with our own self or following around people for its needs and desires, Allah (swt) hands us over to the same petty creation who is weak and deficient by nature.
Fear Allah Al-Kaafee only. Allah’s (swt) beautiful attribute should free us from the fears of His creation. Remember Allah Al-Kaafee is enough for our temporary and instant as well as permanent eternal needs.
Praise Allah Al-Kaafee only. Only Allah (swt) deserves to be extolled for being Sufficient for us. He did not leave us at the mercy of any other creation to decide our fate and be unjust with us. He grants his slaves either in Dunya or in Aakhirah or in both places as per His divine wisdom and knowledge about us.
Only He can transform our insufficiency into sufficiency hence ask Allah Al-Kaafee!