“… and Allah is Pre-dominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know.” (Yusuf 12:21)
Al-Ghaalib, one of Allah’s (swt) beautiful names means ‘The Victor’. The name is mentioned in the Quran as indicated in the two Ayahs in the article.
Who is Al-Ghaalib?
He is the One Who, will never be defeated. Allah’s (swt) decree prevails in all affairs of the heavens and the earth, no matter what the creation desires or however it plans. Allah Al-Ghaalib is the only One, Who is victorious and pre-dominant over His creation. He is the One, Who decides regardless of what the creation wants and He overcomes all.
Allah Al-Ghaalib declares in the Quran: “Allah has written (i.e. decreed), ‘I will surely overcome, I and My messengers.’ Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (Al Mujadalah 58:21)
What should be our role after learning about Allah Al-Ghaalib?
- Remember Allah Al-Ghaalib’s Deen will be Pre-dominant
It has been decreed by Allah (swt) that only He, His messengers, Islam, the Quran and its followers will be established and victorious ultimately. Simply because Allah Al-Ghaalib has the power, authority and means to do so. No one can over-power Him. The entire creation is dependent and in submission to Allah (swt). So stick to the truth and be mindful of Allah Al-Ghaalib.
- Do not be misled by the temporary decline
This name of Allah (swt) must remind us of our ultimate fate as a believer. We are here on a mission which is to live according to Allah’s (swt) pleasure. Any temporary losses, pain or failure shouldn’t grieve us as believers. Neither should triumph of the disbelievers sadden us. This perception is reassuring and keeps us steadfast upon Sirat e Mustaqueem.
- Know that, whoever grasps Allah’s (swt) rope firmly will overcome
If believers want to win, they will have to grip fast their Deen. Their time, health, abilities, knowledge, wealth, everything has to be spent mindfully and fruitfully as per the Quran and the Sunnah. They will be the people of Akhlaaq (good character) and Adaab (good mannerisms). They will be pro-active rather than reactive. The believers trust Allah’s (swt) perfect plan, accept His divine decree and obey confidently.
- Observe how the glorious disbelieving nations of the past perished
Firaun, Thamud, Aad, etc. were giant super powers of their times. They were looked up to for their wealth, prosperity and status. However because they transgressed beyond limits, Allah Al-Ghaalib wiped them out. Do you see any remains of their powerful order anywhere? Even today the disbeliever’s fickle desires to take over the world will not benefit them. Allah’s (swt) traditions don’t change. They will meet a similar doomed end.
- Make Dua to grant you strength and eliminate your weakness
Invoke Allah Al-Ghaalib with His name to overcome your own weakness. This can be the first step in the right direction to recognize, understand and address such traits that bear you down and throw you into despair. Especially when you have been fighting against something for a long time unsuccessfully, you tend to give up. It can be draining mentally, physically or emotionally.
- Offer Allah (swt) gratitude and praise if you have an undefeated streak
In spite of your efforts, abilities and ideas, you could never have achieved what you have. Offer thanks and praise Allah Al-Ghaalib for granting you the status that you have earned.
And also know that Allah Al-Ghaalib is the One Who, has the right to take back this blessing as per His Knowledge, Wisdom and Justice. So you cannot complaint either.
- Prepare with the best to defeat others
Our Duas work best as a duo with our Deen. When a soldier wants to win a battle, he trains hard, prepares for the combat and most importantly knows the reason why he is going to battle. Prove yourself to be a worthy candidate by purity of intention, sincerity of purpose and diligence. Next pray to Allah Al-Ghaalib to enable you to defeat the non-deserving.
Overcome the Shaitan’s internal incitements and the external enemy’s attacks by seeking refuge with Allah Al-Ghaalib’s name. Build the character Allah (swt) has ordered to develop and you shall be dominant bi izn Allah.