Muhammad Bin Ibrahim At Tuwejri in his book titled “Fiqh ul Quloob” (“Understanding of the Hearts”) beautifully presents Allah’s (swt) numerous and wonderful creations. The objective is to draw attention from this world’s concrete realities and lead to spiritual and abstract reality, facilitating mankind to find their role and purpose in life.
Judgment Day for Everyone
“There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered.” (Al-Anam 6:38)
Allah (swt) planned and designed this world deliberately. There are no accidents or incidents. This knowledge has been preserved in Lauh-e-Mafuz, the Divine book of Decrees with Allah (swt).
For those who doubt the Day of Resurrection, the above Ayah is a clear proof that not even animals will be spared that day. Once they have accounted for their deeds before Allah (swt) on the Day of Hashr, they will be turned to dust.
Another interesting reflection is that all animals have been formed into communities of their own. How can we then cut ties of kinship and delude ourselves? Allah’s (swt) highest creation human beings are meant to preserve these relationships or they fall below the calibre of animals.
Miracles in Creation
“Allah has created every moving (living) creature from water. Of them there are some that creep on their bellies and some that walk on two legs and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Verily! Allah is able to do all things.” (Al-Noor 24:45)
He is the Perfect and the Powerful Creator, Who has not just created but facilitated His creation. Animals have different lifecycles, behaviours, potential and customized habitats. Some move on the face of this Earth, some swim in the depths of the wondrous seas, others glide through the winds.
They are loners or in tribes. They have varieties and types. They differ in looks, colours, genders, numbers, sizes, defense and offence techniques, languages, etc. Only Allah (swt) Al-Aleem, knows where they will be born, what will they eat and where will they die.
Their Worship
“And to Allah prostrate all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, of the moving (living) creatures and the angels and they are not proud. They fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded.” (An-Nahl 16:49-50)
Who knew that the animals, which we consider to be dumb or inferior, submit to their Lord completely and fear Him, recognizing the Creator’s true status. They bow to Him, they worship Him and they all know their customized Tasbeeh. Its only man who is haughty enough to reject the reality and refuse to bow before Allah (swt), earning its devastating consequences.
Knowledge about Allah (swt) sets thoughts right and drives emotions in the correct direction. Shaitan’s efforts are to hijack the rational brain and replace it with empty emotions. This refrains people from reaching the correct conclusions in life and opting for the right choices. A Momin is alert to the signs in Allah’s (swt) world and emotionally intelligent.
Their Service to Mankind – the Sign of Allah’s (swt) Love for Us
“Do they not see what We have created for them of what Our Hands have created, the cattle, so that they are their owners. And We have subdued them unto them so that some of them they have for riding and some they eat. And they have (other) benefits from them (besides), and they get (milk) to drink, will they not then be grateful?” (Ya-Sin 36:71-73)
This Ayah portrays love of Allah (swt), how He mentions that for His creation, the mankind, He has created cattle for their benefit, use and comfort. It provides us milk, meat, wool, hides and rides. And for humans it only befits them to use Allah’s (swt) blessings for His pleasure. This is a level of Shukr (gratitude).
Allah’s (swt) Care in the Number of Animals Created
“And there is not a thing, but with Us are the stores thereof. And We send it not down except in a known measure.” (Al Hijr 15:21)
Ever wondered, what it would be like, if we woke up to the shrilling sounds of eagles instead of sweet tweets of birds? We would look out the window only to find huge and fearsome kites and vultures perched on the front yard trees in place of the cute little sparrows fluttering here and there? Allah (swt) knows man’s Fitrah and cared so intensely for his pleasure. Such predators as eagles may have long lives but lay a single egg, while smaller chirping birds live shorter lives but lay many eggs. And the sounds of these chirps liven up our mornings and at dusk, when they are praising their Lord in unison, marking the end of the day. It is a reminder also for us to bow before our Creator.
Similarly, what would happen, if we would have such wild beasts as lions and cheetahs born in high numbers roaming about our streets, instead of the cats and dogs? Or why don’t the sheep, goats, cows and chickens, which we consume in large numbers, ever go extinct, while other animals, such as pandas and elephants, are on the extinct list?
Who is controlling these numbers? Considering that majority of the present world is not even worshipping Allah (swt) the way He has commanded them to; yet Allah (swt) Al-Aleem (the All Knower), feeds them with due measurement and provides for their safety.
A Dead Heart, a Sign of a Dead Person Who Might be Breathing Otherwise
“Verily in the heavens and the earth are signs for the believers. And in your creation and what He scattered (through) the earth of moving (living) creatures are signs for people who have faith with certainty.” (Al-Jathiyah 45:3-4)
How can we deny a Lord (swt) like that? How can we defy a Creator like that? How shameful it is for us not to recognize Allah’s (swt) true status as the Ultimate Master and ours as His ultimate slave?
The emotional fabric of our heart is ready to believe and bow down. The Sahabah found this opportunity and restored their hearts to their original states. We need to take our Iman to the level of Yaqeen. To be in Yaqeen is the natural state of the heart. This heart takes effect of the signs of Allah (swt) like the creation of the animals, and countless other creations. This heart turns to Allah (swt) in repentance and tears. This heart yearns to please its Lord and meet Him in humble submission. This is the Qalb-e-Saleem that Allah (swt) sent us with but it got corrupted due to our negligence, arrogance or rejection. And this is the heart Allah (swt) wants to see thrive and live to its fullest potential.
Ya Muqallib al-quloobi, thabbit qalbi ala deenik. Ameen
Adapted from “Fiqh-ul-Quloob”.